Love Dance HTX's Wedding Prep 101! also gives couples an idea to what to expect on their big day. We give couples a rough idea on the do's and don't s and we offer them a blueprint. f having a very good rather very bad wedding dance is the reason why people come. But because it is so much fun couples end up coming back! Click Here to Book
Love Dance HTX's Wedding Prep 101! also gives couples an idea to what to expect on their big day. We give couples a rough idea on the do's and don'ts and we offer them a blueprint.
We know most people are nervous about dancing, especially in front of other people, so we create the perfect date night vibe. The lights are low, everyone is engaged (you have a lot in common!) and everyone brings a bottle of wine or beer (yes, bring the cooler!) It's casual date night attire (no athletic wear), romantic music and we start with the basics.
This is a fun date night. A class that teaches you how to create a romantic intimate connection with your fiance' to romantic music.

The instruction of the class is to introduce you to some moves you might use for your First Dance and begin moving together comfortable so you look natural. These are also moves you can use at your friends' weddings, parties, galas and more. The mission of Love Dance HTX is to create a lifelong physical and intimate connection for spouses through dance.

What to Expect:
Check in is at 8:30pm. From 8:30pm-8:45pm couples mingle and enjoy their beverage. Sometimes we have couples that have been taking private lessons rehearse their First Dance routine during this time to practice in front of a live audience.
What to Bring:
Wine or beer (most couples bring a bottle of wine, we provide wine glasses and wine opener). Holler Brewing Co is next door feel free to bring a To-Go cup here! We will ask you and your wedding date if you have a song picked out. If you don't we will help steer you in the direction of choosing one and you will hear song ideas in the class.
How to Dress:
Date night casual. Most women wear jeans/pants and a blouse with flats. Some wear dresses but keep in mind we are going to learn how to dip and twirl! Make sure the dress isn't too short. Most men wear jeans and shoes with a leather sole. It is casual but remember it should feel like date night!
Please Uber: We are that fun. And off of Washington.
The lesson: A wedding dance is divided into 3 sections: the walk on/intro, the middle and the finale (big dip!) Owners Lisa and Chris Joubert will teach you moves that work with a wedding dress. How to walk on, how to start the dance, some twirls and a dip. It is taught in a choreography format so you can do the moves in the same order to feel more comfortable. After each section you are given time to practice while they walk around and help you with the moves and answer questions. It is paced so you can take mental breaks and refill your glass. The amount of choreography demonstrated is usually about 1.5 minutes (most wedding songs are 1:45 seconds-3 minutes).
What is the Difference Between a Group Class and Private Lessons?
Private lessons are designed to teach you custom choreography for your First Dance.
Our group classes are different than most studios-our group class goal is to allow you to enjoy dancing with each other, develop confidence that you can do this, and be able to learn moving together beyond the First Dance. Also, if you are new to dancing, nervous about the dance, or challenged in the coordinated department this allows you time to look more natural. We have many couples that start with the Wedding Prep 101! 6 months-1 year before the wedding (once or twice a month) and then started on custom choreography 2-4 months before the wedding. The "natural look" is learned through the repetition of the group class and is easier to learn custom choreography because you have been exposed to the moves of Wedding Prep 101. Our goal at Love Dance Houston is for you to enjoy dancing with each other for a lifetime and if your budget is not as flexible 3 Wedding Prep Classes are better than just 1 private lesson.
Please check our calendar or call 832-781-135 to book your Wedding Prep 101 class.
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