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Choosing a Wedding Song that says "This is Us"

Writer's picture: Chris and Lisa Joubert Chris and Lisa Joubert

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Houston Wedding Couples, Wedding Dance Lessons, Love Dance Houston
Maria and Erick Mata - Love Dance Houston Students

Be you, be different but not too different.

So it's time to choose a song, right, and you don't want to choose the wrong one but there are so many choices out there. You could choose one off the Spotify Wedding Playlist and call it a day but that's no fun (Although there are some good ones I admit). Generally I tell folks to choose a song that says "This is Us"... And not the sitcom that undoubtedly makes you cry every time you watch it but a song that sums up your love, personality and couple goals if that makes sense. There are typically a few ways to shortlist the top potential songs and here's how.

What Type/Style of Dance?

First, you and your partner should think about what type of dance you want to do. Is it traditional, fast or slow, upbeat and fun or slower pace, romantic etc. All these things will determine the length of the song or song(s) and will also determine your style of dance and mood. The first songs I suggest will be ones from the past. Look for a song that means something to the both of you, maybe not one that means something to an ex or old flame but a song with a clean slate, no skeletons. Maybe one that was played on a first date or at the time you "knew" he/she is the one.

A song filled with love and romance, yeah those are the best. If you don't have an "Our" song yet or if your "Our" song isn't wedding dance appropriate, it is never too late to start testing songs out on dates or in the car in traffic or whenever you get some time together. Generally, songs that have some type of sentimental value and connection tend to transfer that sentiment better the day of.

Choose one that is totally your style and that says the most about who you are as a couple. These are the songs that make the audience go "awe" as you two are spinning on the floor. Whether it be Ed Sheeran or Eddie Van Halen, try and be as much you as possible.

Fact Check The Song.

One thing people tend to miss. Make sure the lyrics are appropriate. What I mean by that is choose a song that doesn't talk about a bar, an ex, Jack Daniels, pimping or cheating, one that doesn't talk about booty calls or any whisky or tequila that makes the clothes fall off. Unless you are going all in and are ready to break out some awesome moves to Joe Nichols, in that case you just have to go for it, own it and come correct. With that being said, there are some really good songs out there and I would so want to use them but the lyrics are just plain weird for a wedding dance. So do some fact checking on the song and make sure what the singer/writers intent is. Because sure enough, once dance it and post later on the Gram, someone will say, hey that song is about an old man loosing his dog to rabies or hey that song is about a college double dare etc. You don't want that I think..

Include Both Parties.

Find one that means something to you both. Include your partner and make it fun to go and find one together. I'm really talking about the men here. Most grooms will just go along and won't make a stink about which song to choose but it would be better to have a unanimous vote that the both of you will be stoked to dance to. Yes I said stoked - it just felt right.

Two Step Songs are Awesome - You don't need to Learn Two Step.

There are some damn good older country waltz songs and two step songs and you don't need to know how to two step. The type of moves you will learn in Wedding Prep 101 or private instruction at Love Dance Houston can also be used with country songs. Polka is fine, Movie scores are fine, Jazz songs are awesome. R&B and Rock ballets also rock but can be cheesy so be careful. There are a fair good amount of indie songs and folk music that are good but again do some fact checking. You don't want to find out later the song is about a drug not a lover. Hip-hop is fun but I would suggest doing a mashup and choose a traditional song to go with that Bruno Mars, Quevo or Doctor Dre song. Latin songs are awesome and salsa and bachata are always showstoppers. Really the possibilities are endless.

You can choose more than one song and do a good mashup. Just make sure both of you are on board for the commitment. Generally, the longer the song or mashup means more choreography to learn and a longer practicing commitment. To take away from the pressure of learning a routine fast. I suggest to start learning a song at least six months before your wedding. Unless you have some level of training. Six months means you really have 5 months because the last month before your wedding date is usually chaotic and you want to make this little bit of undivided time fun. After all, the moves you learn will get your marriage off on the right foot. Wink Wink. #weddingsongs #weddingdance #houstonbrides #texaswedding #houstonwedding #houstontx #houstonhairstylist #houstonbride


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